
It's almost 3am, and I can't sleep. After no quality sleep what so ever last night, a stressful day (to say the least) and a Aqua Fit session, I still can't sleep.
I could blame John's housemates that insists on having a party in the kitchen at this time of night, I could blame my cough and I could blame my fucking period that keeps me from having (or enjoying to be more exact) a well-needed orgasm.

But I'm not. Because what's the point in that? It's nothing I can do anything about anyway.

Though, despite being frustrated and sick as hell of everything and everybody, I still can't help but feeling rather content. I know this lack of sleep will upset my stomach, make me moody as a pig who doesn't get to enjoy his 30 minute long orgasms, do fuck-all about my uni work (that desperately needs to be done) and make me sleep even worse the next couple of nights - but right now, at this moment in time, I couldn't be happier about lying in my own bed and browsing the net for totally useless things like Fredo Viola's Sad Song, Mark Jenkin's Street Installations, some alright photoshop skills, some rather impressive street art, the amazing sculptures by Ron Mueck, some really cleaver art pieces by Tim Noble and Sue Wester, something to keep an eye on and the sheep market.

I should try to go to sleep now though seem as it's way past bedtime now and I'm up in less than 4 hours. (Just hope I got the links to work, give me a shout if not.) Night! sheep
(Sheep bought at the sheep market)


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