I hate thursdays

I hate thursdays

I hate thursdays. They always make me feel depressed.
It's on thursdays I realise that I haven't done a single thing of what I should have done, and that I will not do them during the weekend either.
It's on thursdays I order something to cheer me up for the weekend, and hope that they'll arrive on friday, or at least saturday (which they never do).
It's on thursdays I listen to bad music, because not even good music cheers me up, so then I listen to bad music to match my mood.
It's on thursdays I plan to do loads of things: clean my room, go swimming, go food shopping etc. But I never do them.
It's on thursdays I can't be bothered to get out of bed. My motivation is non-existing.
It's on thursdays nothing really matters.
It's on thursdays I end up watching movies I should have seen, but never got around to. (Today I'm having a Star Wars marathon).

It's also on thursdays I love my ferrets a little extra for always cheering me up  :)


Nisse :)


GAH! And I can't even go swimming on thursdays apparantly, because all three fucking swimming pools in Carlisle have things going on on thursdays!! Swim clubs, womens institute, water polo, social club, canoe club, simming lessons... WHAT IF I JUST WANT TO SWIM ON A THURSDAY?

Sigh... I really do hate thursdays.

2009-02-19 15:29


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