What a fucking day!
First of all I didn't get much fucking sleep (my own fault, but whatever), so I woke up fucking moody, fucking tired and with a deep fucking hatered for the entire world.
Then I got to uni, and had a fucking horrible baugette. It didn't lift my mood one fucking bit.
Ten to one I arrived at the fucking studio, just to discover that neither Mike or Roger were at their places - behind the desk, helping us fucking stupid and desperate students. I waited for 40 fucking minutes before Roger decided to show up. By then 30 fucking valuable minutes of my fucking studio time was waisted. And not to forget, my fucking model hadn't showed up either! No worries about that I thought, I had after all given him my number, so he should call and explain, or just say that he's late. Do I even have to say that he didn't fucking bother with that?! Decided to not care, and focused on getting the lights right for the next fucking model that was booked in for 2pm. Who didn't fucking show up either. I was getting fucking desperate and fucking angry, so grabbed the first fucking person I found and told him to be my model. At least that worked. I now had a fucking model. Not the one I wanted, but at least there was a fucking person infront of that fucking camera.
When I was done with him I went up to graphics and told Sam and Tom to model for me.
Once I was done with them I checked my photos on the camera. They all looked slightly over-exposed, so hoped that I hadn't lost any detail in the fucking highlights. Plugged the card in to the computer, and saw that they were all fucking underexposed to fucking hell. I hate that fucking camera. The LCD display managed to make my fucking underexposed pictures look like high key fucking fashion photographs. I am not impressed.
I am not looking forward to tomorrow. More models, more things that can go wrong..
It's just not my fucking day.