Once I've got over the whole "I-hate-thursdays-so-much-I-just-want-to-stay-in-bed-all-fucking-day" stage I usually get rather pissed off. I get pissed off because it's thursday and the fact that it is thursday has ruined what could have been a rather nice day, like monday or saturday. And when I get pissed off I do things. Usually I cook something really nice and complicated, clean my room, draw something with a lot of strong shadows and emotions or go for an angry walk. Today I played the guitar.
My plan is to learn 3 new songs every week and eventually (if I ever learn to sing) sign up for an open mic-night. So far I've learned 2 songs. It hasn't really been going that well, because in the back of my head I've always doubted myself ("I can't sing, I can't play, everybody is so much better than me" etc). But today I'm pissed off, and I just wanted to hit something. So I hit the strings. And it sounded pretty good! I know both songs by heart now (except parts of the lyrics, but I just improvise that) and I can play with ENERGY and FEELING. I'm pretty proud of myself! I do need to buy new strings now though. Noticed that some of them look a bit rough. And a new capo would be good to have too. One that actually pushes the strings down to the neck of the guitar.
So, that's two songs out of 3 this week! I'm pretty proud of myself! Just need to figure out which one to do next..
If you want to listen to the (original) songs I've been practicing on just click here and here :)
Now I'm gonna go and see if my bad mood can help me clean my room too. I doubt it, but it's worth a try!
2009-02-19 20:18
![]() | haha om jag har! och skickat ett mejl till henne där hon ska lära sig att inte uttala sig utan att veta vad hon snackar om |