I am NOT appreciating the drunks who seems to have decided to have their gathering spot outside my window. It's hard enought to sleep without them shouting and banging things. Can I please have at least one night without you? I need to get some sleep!
Otherwise the agreement of a week starts to seem like a bad idea. It's been one day. One day of at least seven, and it's been soooooo sooooooooooooo slow. Can't really focus on anything so end up doing nothing, which makes the time seem to move even slower. But it's probably a good thing. No, I KNOW it's a good thing, but it's just such a pain in the ass going through it. I wonder how may times I'll go through my thoughts until next week. Thousands of times? More like a million of times probably. I'll probably go through them so many times, twisting and turning them, that I'll end up even more confused than I was before. I should probably start writing things down before I mix them all together so much that none of them is making any sense anymore.
But now I'm gonna go and pour a glass of wine to see if that will help me get some sleep. It would probably be better with whiskey, but I don't have any. Such a shame.
"She's kind of like a medium psychic Christian ninja." - Glen Hansard

2009-02-18 00:40